Shopping and Other Adventures with Misha Man

As of 9:01am today, Misha is three weeks old.  

Misha's third week of life was a rather eventful one as Granmary's in town!  Granmary is known for her penchant for adventure...especially shopping adventures.  She believes in starting a kid early.  

Misha and I have already had a conversation about avoiding consumerism and materialism as we examined the "target" icon in his pattern book.  Unfortunately, his mother cannot live up to this standard and her actions do not reflect her words.  Oh dear.  I am already setting a bad example.  This was confirmed when the clerk at Forever 21 oogled at Misha and said, "Wow!  What an adorable kid!  My parents took me to the mall when I was his age.  That's why I am so comfortable here!"  Cringe!

In spite of my reservations regarding mall culture, I have to admit- Granmary, Misha, and I had a blast.  It turns out that the mall is really one of the best things a new mom and grandmother can do on a rainy afternoon.  Although we were at the mall for four plus hours, we spent the majority of them in Forever 21.  This may surprise many of you- but my mother and I love the place.  Another hour was spent in Nordstrom's ladies lounge (see above right photo).  It was very exciting to actually use the lounge properly as opposed to just strolling through.  I feel all stores should have a ladies lounge.  

Misha also enjoyed his first trip to Dunn Brothers across from my alma mater.  We sat on the sunny bench outside of the coffee shop and took in the afternoon.  Other new mothers have stressed the importance of small outings on a daily basis.  I certainly get cranky if I am in the house for too long.  When in doubt, an afternoon coffee and a long walk hits the spot every time.  Or, if that fails, a crunch cone from Dairy Queen...

I am so thankful that my mom stayed with us for two weeks!  I honestly don't think I would've gotten out of our house if she hadn't been here.  As I gathered diaper bag content for our first outing with Misha, I was ready to abort the mission all together.  How could I possibly bring Misha out into the world?  But, my mom was with me and she seemed to think it was possible.  She was right, thank goodness.  Now I know I can do it on my own.


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