A New Kind Of Marathon Training

I have been doing a lot of running lately.  It is unlikely that this surprises anyone, my family least of all.  But this training cycle is a bit different.  My sights are set on Moose Mountain Marathon, the shortest distance of the three fall superior races.  I have run a few trail races including the spring Superior 25k (an out and back that covers that last portion of the fall races), but this is my first trail marathon and it could take me upwards of seven hours so I need my body in tip top trail specific condition. 

Fortunately, my longtime running buddy Rose is an ultra-runner.  For the last few years, Rose has been encouraging me to sign up and train for a longer trail race.  "If you can run a road marathon, you can run a trail ultra," says Rose.  I've been hesitant to commit for a few reasons:
1) time it takes to train for a trail race (driving time to trails + more time running=more time away from home)
2) amount of energy it takes to train for longer distances (I feel like sleeping the rest of the day after a 3+ hour run)
3) I have never felt like I am in better shape training for a longer race than training for a ten mile or half marathon.  In fact, I often feel heavier and slower.

So why the heck did I decide to sign up for this trail race?! 

Here are some of my reasons:
1) I love running in the woods.  I love running on trails!  Trail running is an amazing way to take in nature.  I love spotting birds and animals along the trail.  I love the wild flowers and moss.  I like the rocky terrain and the fallen logs. 
2) I find trail running to be easier on the body.  When I run trails, I need to focus on light, smooth, easy steps.  I need to pick up my feet and look up and down at the same time.  My heart rate often sky rockets for a minute or two hiking up a steep climb and I need to remember to breathe, stay calm, and run through, finding my calm again as I pick up my legs and begin running again after the crest.
3) I find the trail community to be inspiring and open to newbies.  I really love the trail runner's joy and spirit.
4) I want an adventure!  I wanted to try something that I have never done before.  This marathon isn't linked to a time goal.  I am not sure what I can expect.  I will train and plan but ultimately, the race itself will be a first!


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