Thursday Three!

1. Parent/teacher conference night! This is my second or third high school conference night, and let me just say, its pretty amazing to meet the parents of the teenagers I interact with every day. Most of these parents I never hear from, so meeting them for the first time comes as a surprise. Almost across the board, there is so much love and concern in the parents' eyes. It makes me truly proud to work at this school.

2. Random half marathon:
So, um, last night I ran a half marathon, er, or an equivalent of a half marathon without really meaning to. I went for a quick run with my friend and co-worker, Ben, after the school day, and then Wednesday night workouts with the WRC (plus Rachel!). So, yeah, that was a lot.

3. Holiday Fitness Challenge: Lately, I've been getting more involved in the healthy living blogging community. So, I am going to give this challenge a shot as way to stay motivated over the holidays and connect with other bloggers! And, maybe even, win a prize!!!


  1. I saw the Holiday Fitness Challenge earlier and thought I would do it too! I dont have a blog but I was just going to keep track of the points on my own :)

  2. Conferences can be grueling, but totally worth it. Good on you, healthy blogger lady!


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